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All articles coming to the editorial offices of Kostroma State University scientific journals pass reviewing procedure without fail; papers are estimated from positions of originality, topicality, scientific novelty, ethics and so on.

The editorial offices of the journals responsibly approach the scientific reputation maintenance problem; in its activity, it is guided by the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics and of the Declaration of scientific editors' and publishers' Association «Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications».

The experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses as well as the best traditions of Russian journals are considered by the journals' editorial boards.

The editorial boards do not allow materials the content of which is in the Russian Federation barred from publication in law. The decision on publication of an article is made only on the basis of reviewing, and on the basis of research's scientific importance assessment.

Authors' liability

Originality and literary piracy

All articles sent to editorial board are checked by «ANTI-PLAGIARISM» system. The article's authors shall guarantee that they have written an original work; use of other authors' materials is to be properly marked with references or specified in the text.

Submission of the same manuscript in more than one journal simultaneously is inadmissible.

Investigations' content and results requirements

Articles' authors bear responsibility for accuracy of the data provided and the results obtained. Representation of obviously false facts is considered violation of the ethical code.

Articles' authorship

All persons who have made a significant contribution to the article creation shall be specified as coauthors. Work's author shall guarantee that the final version of article and its representation for the publication have been approved by all coauthors.

Work's financing sources, form of third-party financing (grants, subsidies, donations) shall be specified in article.

Decision on publication

The editor-in-chief makes the decision on which of the works provided to the journal's editorial office should be published.

Error detection

In case of error or inaccuracies' detection at the time of consideration of an article by the editorial office or just before the very publication, the author shall immediately notify the journal's editorial office on it.

The liability of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief

The journal's editor and the editorial board bear responsibility for selecting articles to publish. Decisions on the publication of this or that article are made by the journal's editorial board and approved by the editor-in-chief on the basis of provided reviews. When making the decision on the publication, the editor is guided by the scientific importance of the scientific problem under consideration of as well.

The intellectual content of all typescripts is estimated by the editorial board and the editor-in-chief objectively, without taking into account any of the authors' political views or their influence status.

Members of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief cannot use for the personal purposes, transfer to the third parties or disclose data received, but not yet published in scientific articles or rejected.

The journal' editor shall react urgently to all claims concerning materials published and released when revealing and considering opinions of the parties; it shall take all necessary measures for restoration in the rights violated.

Typescript readers' liability
  • determination if material stated in article corresponds to the journal's profile
  • article contents' topicality assessment, determination of importance of the stated ideas and research results
  • observation if materials' design meets the requirements set by the journal
  • assessment of research data and results completeness and reliability
  • material statement accuracy characteristic and description clarity
  • control of article stylistics observance
  • summing up concerning the article, if necessary – description of commentary for improvement

Typescript readers' participating in decision-making concerning the publication

The reviewing procedure helps the editor-in-chief with making decision on the publication. Any work taken cognisance is considered to be a confidential document. Works are not subject to demonstration and discussion with other persons, except for persons authorised by the editor.

Reviews should be objective. Digging at the author, i.e. making personal remarks about the author, is unacceptable.

Reviewers are obliged to express their opinion clearly and to support it with strictly scientific arguments.

Disclosure of information and conflict of interests

A reviewer undertakes to refuse consideration of an article in case of conflict of interests.

Materials not yet published, but which the work transferred to consideration contain, cannot be used in the reviewer's researches without the author's written consent.

Confidential information which might be obtained in the course of reviewing, is not subject to disclosure, nor to use in reviewers' interests.

Editorial office workers' liability
  • to treat the author and its work with respect
  • to carry on all talk with authors in gentle, correct tone
  • not to do preferences to authors of a certain race, sex and any other qualities relevant to reliability of the provided data and the work's scientific importance
  • to provide involvement of competent reviewers, if necessary performing their replacement
  • to keep the editorial secret, i.e. without the author's written consent not to disclose information on process of work on article and on its contents, without the the author's permission not to allow to read author's material to someone, except the journal's reviewers